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Minutes General Assembly 2023

A large majority agrees with trying to consume more sustainably. The question remains how. We will keep building the storage space for the consumer group, make connections with local producers and increase our own production, and a working group will be formed. Other than that, what people eat is up to them.

Financial sustainability. Costs have increased, and we don’t have any economic buffers. People tend to disagree with raising prices, but it may be necessary – this is an almost mathematical question. An economy working group will be formed to give clear answers. Perhaps prices can be different for different seasons and rooms.

Decision-making. Some feel we are not transparent about finances and especially decisions. We’re setting up a few working groups and a group for all members of the association to resolve this. Though Dennis also questions whether 100% transparency and consensus should be our goal, or whether we should delegate certain decisions to certain groups/people. There is a sense that people bearing the consequences of a decision should be involved in taking a decision.

A communication group will form to make well-designed instructions for several parts of the house, to keep things clean and organized.

People think registering a self-organized school on the address of the Foundry is ok.

People agree with the idea of allowing people to apply for grants for projects at the Foundry if they do the paperwork, but not applying for structural subsidies for the Foundry itself.

A large majority believes 20 hrs / week for volunteers is fine, so this will stay the same.

A large majority believes we should have an event budget. We’ll have to figure out how to get there.

People agree with all proposed events for next year (Burn the Foundry festival, summer university, etc). And everyone is encouraged to initiate more and/or propose invited guests.

Working groups to be formed (on whatsapp): economy, consumption, garden, care, communication, events, current residents, and a group that all members can join. If you are a member and want to be included in the members whatsapp group, get in touch.

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