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Program: Territory beyond state and property (Aug 21-26)

August 21, afternoon: Tour around the Foundry (bilingual).
August 21, evening: Noortje Keurhorst: Exploring acts of commoning with the Brigadas Deseucaliptizadoras (English).
August 22, afternoon: Sabrina Rosina: Planting Territories: A Lecture Workshop (English).
August 22, evening: Kilian Jörg: Driving the Homogenocene (English).
August 23, afternoon: work on food forest.
August 23, evening: Debate on rural gentrification (Spanish).
August 24, afternoon: Ania, Rafa and Dennis: Presentation of the Sindicato de la Tierra (Spanish / bilingual).
August 24, evening: Conversation on commoning in Galicia (Spanish / bilingual).
August 25, afternoon: Monique Besten, Walking the Questions (English).
August 25, evening: Dennis Schep: Bloom; Iron and the Theft of Space and Time (English).
August 25: evening: Film screening: Age of Iron, with the director Davoud Gerami.
August 26: Party. Either at the Foundry, or we can go to Naseiro, the annual romería close by.

(This program is provisional; we might move some things around or add something last minute. For the original description of the event, see here.)

Noortje Keurhorst: Exploring acts of commoning with the Brigadas Deseucaliptadoras.
Noortje will share the case of the Brigadas Deseucaliptadoras as a response to the State’s massive afforestation programs that have left many rural Galician common lands covered in monoculture tree plantations. Particularly eucalyptus and acacia are engaged with as two trees whose agencies have been shaped as invasive through a historical process of commoning contingent on sociopolitical changes. The Brigadas can be seen as a new configuration of commoning community that extends demarcated, geographic boundaries to draw together an entangled community of humans and non-humans with particular rights, responsibilities, and aspirations.

Sabrina Rosina: Planting Territories: A Lecture Workshop.
This lecture workshop explores the fascinating concept of territory formation influenced by plants. We delve into the strategies employed by plants and examine how these principles can be applied in anarchistic ways. Through an immersive vegetation-inspiration workshop, participants will gain insights into the symbiotic relationship between nature and human systems. Join us to reimagine and redefine territorial boundaries through the lens of botanical wisdom.

Kilian Jörg: Driving the Homogenocene.
Not all earthlings are affected equally by the catastrophes of our times. While some lifeforms are entrenching their privileges, others face extinction, expulsion or violent adaption. The term “Homogenocene” seeks to understand these two dynamics in relation: the modern form of the Good Life paves and normalizes our expectations, desires and interactions in a monolithic way that absorbs the air to breath and ground to stand on for a plurality of the living. In this workshop I propose to understand the car as a main driver and embodiment of this Homogenocene and want to discuss possibilities of undoing its auto-destructive homogenisation of landscapes, desires and economies. The car will be thought of as a metaphor for our being dead-locked in an ecologically catastrophical way of relating to the planet. With it, I want to engage a discussion about our own entanglement with automobile infrastructure in our utopian imaginations as well as practical necessities and horizontally seek strategies for active resistance and alternative worlding that promotes plurality as a radical practice. Roots have a hard time spouting through pavement after all.

We’ll begin the day with some work in the food forest of the Foundry, first planted a year ago together with Anna from Proyecto Dispersor.

Debate on rural gentrification.
Depopulation is one of the main problems in rural Galicia. Recently, increasing numbers of people from elsewhere in Europe have begun to settle here. What does this mean for the local community? What opportunities and threats does this change bring with it, and how can we deal with frictions and avoid (social, economic, etc) conflicts? Everyone is invited; the conversation will be in Spanish.

Presentation of the Sindicato de la Tierra.
Ania González Castiñeira and Rafael Anido Alonso from Despacho will be present together with Dennis Schep to talk about the Sindicato de la Tierra, a legal model against real estate speculation, that will free the first house from the market in Galicia later this year. The presentation will be in Spanish.

Open conversation about commoning in Galicia.
Tne Sindicato de la Tierra, the Brigadas Deseucaliptizadoras, and the Foundry itself are all projects or initiatives that attempt to construct a new type of commons to limit the hold of capitalism over our lives. Is this a viable strategy? What are its limitations? And what other fields can be put in common? Can we commonize our food production? We’ll be joined by mutual credit expert, Adrian Davies, to discuss the possibilities of developing co-operative credit systems or new currencies that could stimulate common ownership and mutual aid.

Monique Besten: Walking the Questions.
What is my territory? What is yours? What does belonging mean? What do you truly own? Where is the wild? How to listen to non-human voices? What is the power of slowness? The best way to answer questions is to live them and in order to do that I’ll go on a slow journey with simple means from my home in Barcelona to The Foundry in Galicia, 6 weeks mainly on foot, moving slowly through the world to encounter people, places, none-human beings, to find new stories and new questions.
There won’t be any planning, the world and everything in it will guide me, I’ll report from the road and I’ll present what stayed with me when I arrive. This project is supported by Rewilding Cultures (, a Creative Europe collaboration project, which wants to reposition the wild within the field of art practices connecting to science and technology.
Monique Besten is an artist, writer and educator living in Barcelona and Amsterdam but mainly at home where her feet are. Her work focuses on slow ways of being and ecology. The project and process can be followed here:

Dennis Schep: Bloom.
Dennis will present his not-yet-published book Bloom; Iron and the Theft of Space and Time. The research underlying this book began at the Foundry, where iron was produced since the 15th century. Since the 18th century, the voracious needs of the iron industry led to the privatization of European woodlands. What we call capitalism is a system in which land can be bought and sold, and our daily rhythms are governed by the clock. But the system leaks, and freedom lives in the cracks.

Film screening: Age of Iron by Davoud Gerami, in the presence of the director. Age of Iron takes viewers on a journey through Asia in its poetic critique of global capitalism, dissecting the system’s inherent byproducts along the way: exploitation of the masses in the political South and alienation of the masses in the affluent North.

Day off. Ceremonies, dj’s, parties, or we can go to the Romería do Naseiro.

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